BS 7671:2018+A2:2022 came into force in September 2022. All electrical installations must be compliant with Amendment 2 of the Wiring Regulations and contractors must work to the latest edition (brown). (The blue edition will no longer be a valid publication).
Do you need to achieve the 2382 18th edition qualification? If so, we provide this as a four-day course, one-day a week over four weeks @ £540.00 + VAT
For dates and further details including publication requirements, follow this link:
If you already have a 2382 qualification and need to make yourself aware of the significant changes in Amendment 2 of the REGs, we are running regular Awareness Days at £99.00 + VAT
This day provides 7 hours of verifiable training activity for a CPD Member.
For dates and further details including publication requirements etc, follow this link: